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120% Chestosterone by Chester Sass

120% Chestosterone by Chester Sass

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Germany’s premier up-and-coming Mentalist Chester Sass has done it at last. Critically acclaimed TV-Street Mentalist Chester Sass has put pen to paper to share the secrets of some of his award-winning routines with you!

Following its initial publication in Germany, this mentalism bestseller is now available for the first time in English. In his book, Chester teaches impromptu effects that will knock your audience off their feet!

These effects were developed THROUGH performance FOR performance.
Several of these effects have even been performed for millions of viewers and have NEVER failed to amaze! If you’re looking for effects that get a MAXIMUM reaction with MINIMUM preparation, this is the book for you!

In a light-hearted and down-to-earth style, Chester Sass details cutting-edge mental routines intended for professional performance. On the whole, these routines are easy-to-learn and very well conceived and will amaze spectators every time.

All of the mentalism routines in this book have been tested out in the open. They were designed for the “real world” and don’t require any unusual props or special circumstances to be performed. Everything is described at length with both words and pictures. Detailed photos leave no question unanswered.

As an added bonus, the purchase of this book includes access to a specially developed program that will help you practice and memorize the Zodiac routine in as little time as possible. WELCOME TO THE ZODIAC BOOTCAMP!

This e-book contains the following routines:

Zodiac – These days, to be a top mentalist, you need to have a solid zodiac routine in your repertoire. Haven’t you always dreamed of going up to people, asking them to think of their zodiac sign and then divining it before their eyes? Welcome to Chester Sass’ ZODIAC…

Hello… is it me you’re looking for? – Imagine asking a perfect stranger to think of someone they haven’t spoken to recently. You take the spectator’s cell phone and they watch as you dial an unknown number. Then the unthinkable happens: the person who answers the call is the person the spectator was thinking of!

Music was my first love – How is it possible for you to immediately start singing, beat boxing or naming the song a spectator has selected from a card containing several world-famous artists and their hits, without having to ask any questions??

The CSI-Book Test – Haven’t you always wanted to pull off a flawless book test at a party where the spectator has an absolutely free choice of the book, page and word? In this effect, you ask your spectator to choose ANY of his own books, simply THINK of ANY page number and then open the book to that page and memorize ANY word from it. Then you not only divine the correct page number, but also the word being thought of! What’s more, the spectator doesn’t have to write anything down, and holds the book in his hand himself. Not bad!

Ches-Te(a)r – Still looking for the perfect CENTER-TEAR? What about the best way to justify the writing, the tear and the peek? Your search is over, with the new CHES-TEAR!

Equivoque – When done correctly, Equivoque produces a miraculous effect. So why are there so many bad examples of it? Chester sums up his thoughts on this subject in the hopes that you will be more satisfied with your next Equivoque routine.

One-Ahead Principle – Properly performed, the One-Ahead Principle can produce a very powerful effect. Chester Sass has further refined this technique ridding it of the slightest bit of doubt.

What other mentalists are saying about 120% Chestosterone:

“Finally a well-thought-out and absolutely impromptu Zodiac routine that doesn’t use any gimmicks! Any mentalist who wants to be 100% ready-for-show all the time should have this system in the back of their mind. I highly recommend it!”Nicolai Friedrich

“I love it! Chester has released a collection of his personal routines, that I find to be some of the most practical pieces of commercial mentalism available. After thirty years of performing, I have learned that some creations are good for reading, while others are good for performing. Chester’s contributions fall into both categories! I regularly use at least two of the bits in his book and have been inspired by others. More than one method could have been sold separately for quite a few coins, and the buyer would have been more than satisfied; yet Chester has graciously made everything available in a single tome. If you enjoy clever mentalism, but more, if you want to actually perform clever mentalism, then this is a book you should really have.”Docc Hilford

“Absolutely brilliant. If the retail price was proportionate to the clever combination of concepts, your buyers couldn’t afford it.”Lee Earle

“I love your song reveal!”Nathan Kranzo

“After reading through the wonderfully titled ‘120% Chestosterone’ I decided that, in point of fact, I quite liked some of the ideas. I think all of the material is workable, which is something that I can rarely say these days. ‘Music Was My First Love’ and ‘The CSI Book Test’ were both outstanding effects that got my little brainbox pumping. As for the book itself, the writing style is fun and funny and a pleasure to read. Great work Chester!”Paul Brook

“Zodiac is one of the best ways that I’ve seen of doing this effect. It’s completely prop-less and very clean. As a bonus Chester has a fantastic way for you to practice the method BEFORE you try it out in public. This routine alone is worth the price of the book, but there is so much more. The Cell Phone Effect is a really direct piece of mentalism that you can perform almost anywhere. The CSI Book Test is my favourite, Chester has taken an age old mentalism technique and given it a new lease of life by adding some beautiful subtleties.”Marc Paul

Note: This e-book does not come with the additional gimmick that was supplied with the physical book, this additional item is available to purchase separately direct from the author.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Louis Del Monte
Worth reading

This book is worth reading and some of the effects are excellent. However, it is a small book (79 pages) and only provides six mentalism effects. The effects are professional level material and well explained. The two strongest effects are "Zodiac" and "Music was my first love." Properly performed, Sass' Zodiac may well be the best one-on-one Zodiac routine available. His "Music was my first love" is also excellent and opens the door to other potential applications. The "Hello" effect would kill when it works, but there are too many issues with how different cell phones work to assure 100% success. In addition, the person called may not be at home. For me, "Hello" is a no go. I had a lot of skepticism about the "CSI-Book Test," but to my surprise it works extremely well. I already do several book tests, which require little to no setup. Sass' book test requires setup. However, done properly, it is extremely strong. The "Ches-Te(a)r" is worth learning, if you need another center tear. I don't think it is superior to Richard Osterlind's "Perfect Center Tear" or Ran Pink's "Think Pink." If you already have two or three center tear methods, as I do, stick with them. I find I have to routinely practice my three center tears to keep them smooth and deceptive. It is better to have two or three that you do well than four or five that you perform crudely. I really liked his chapter Eqivoque. I picked up some tips even though I have been using eqivoque for over thirty years.